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Print O Thread

Unveiling the Art of Screen Making in Screen Printing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unveiling the Art of Screen Making in Screen Printing: A Step-by-Step Guide
Mark image
MarkFebruary 21, 2024


Screen printing, a versatile and time-honored printing technique, relies on the precision of screen making to produce vibrant and detailed prints. In this guide, we'll take you behind the scenes to explore the intricate process of creating screens for screen printing.

Step 1:

Design Preparation The journey begins with a well-crafted design. Whether it's a striking illustration or a detailed logo, the design is digitally or manually created, ensuring it is in the correct format for the screen printing process. This design serves as the blueprint for the screen-making process.

Step 2:

Choosing the Screen Selecting the right screen is crucial. Screens are typically made of mesh stretched tightly over a frame. The mesh count, or the number of threads per inch, determines the level of detail the screen can capture. Coarser meshes are suitable for bold designs, while finer meshes are ideal for intricate details.

Step 3:

Coating the Screen with Emulsion Emulsion, a light-sensitive substance, is evenly applied to the screen. This emulsion-coated screen is then left to dry in a dark, controlled environment. Once dry, the screen becomes photosensitive, ready to capture the design.

Step 4:

Exposing the Screen The coated screen is placed in a darkroom, and the design is either printed onto a transparent film or directly placed on top of the screen. The screen is then exposed to UV light. The areas covered by the design block the UV light, leaving the emulsion underneath unexposed.

Step 5:

Washing Out the Design After exposure, the screen is rinsed with water. The unexposed emulsion dissolves, leaving the design area open and allowing ink to pass through during the printing process. This process is known as developing or washing out the screen.

Step 6:

Blocking Out Unwanted Areas In cases where additional fine-tuning is needed, screens can be blocked out using emulsion or tape to cover unwanted areas. This ensures that only the desired design elements are visible on the screen.

Step 7:

Drying the Screen Once the screen is thoroughly washed out and free of unwanted emulsion, it is left to dry. Ensuring the screen is completely dry is crucial for achieving crisp and clear prints during the actual screen printing process.

Step 8:

Mounting the Screen The final step involves mounting the screen onto the printing press. The screen is securely attached, ensuring stability during the printing process. The ink is then applied to the top of the screen, and a squeegee is used to push the ink through the open areas of the design onto the printing surface.


Screen making is a meticulous and crucial step in the screen printing process. The precision and care taken during screen creation directly impact the quality of the final prints. As an art that combines technical skill with creative vision, screen printing is a testament to the craftsmanship involved in the timeless world of screen printing.

Mark image


He is the co-founder of Print O Thread. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. Mark is a New York Times bestselling author and was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.

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